Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association
2520 Camino Entrada Unit B,
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Fax: 505.982.0238
Miles D. Conway
Executive Officer
Tanya Dorame
Administrative Manager

September ’23 Member Resource & Events Newsletter

Your Association Working for YOU!

Members and Friends of the Association,

In the afterglow of another successful Parade of Homes, our team took a quick breath and dived back into the issues impacting our home building and construction industry.

Irons in the Fire! We’re meeting with leadership at the City of Santa Fe leadership to push for greater efficiency in the land use and planning systems, high-level meetings take place each week at the State level to craft legislation and negotiate code adoption wording that addresses soaring construction and development costs while increasing home performance and quality at the same time, and we continue to forge relationships with schools and organizations to grow the next generation of skilled labor!

In this Newsletter

Open House Sept. 20 & Planning Commission Meeting Sept. 21
Planning and Land Use Host Public Meetings for the Land Development Code Assessment Report

Members of the Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association are participating on the Technical Advisory Working Group for rewriting Santa Fe’s long-range development code. Earlier this year, members compiled and submitted THESE NOTES for RECOMMENDED edits to Chapter 14. The initial REPORT releases tomorrow and we wait with bated breath to see if the builder community recommendations will make the cut.

WE NEED MEMBERS TO ATTEND as the City of Santa Fe’s Planning and Land Use Department hosts an open house and Planning Commission meeting for the release of the Santa Fe Land Use Development Code Update project’s Assessment Report. There will be an open house Wednesday, September 20 at the Southside Library from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and a Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, September 21 at City Hall in the Council Chambers from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Assessment Report catalogs recommendations from staff and the public for changes to Chapter 14 of the code and presents the recommendations in narrative form along with a proposed outline for a new code structure. A public draft of the report will be released on Friday, September 15th, and will be hosted on the project website.

The meetings will provide an opportunity for community members hear a presentation from the project team summarizing the Assessment Report and provide feedback on the Assessment Report’s recommendations. City of Santa Fe Planning and Land Use Department and Clarion Associates staff will be in attendance, and refreshments and Spanish Interpretation services will be provided. The Planning Commission meeting on September 21st will be streamed live on the City’s YouTube Channel.

Click here to learn more about the project and sign up to receive additional updates.

LUNCHEON Significant Changes in Residential Building Code:

Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) / Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) / National Electric Code (NEC)


NEXT Thursday
September 21st 11:30 – 1:30
2520 Camino Entrada, Ste. B, 87507

Significant Changes in Residential Building Code:
Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) / Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) / National Electric Code (NEC)

Sponsored by Sun Mountain Doors, there will be a interesting presentation on Unique Custom Doors at the beginning of the luncheon.

MAIN TOPIC: 2021 Residential Building Code changes presentation by Asst. Land Use Director Thomas Graham and City of Santa Fe Code Officials covering:

  • NEC Residential: GFCI protection / Emergency Disconnects / Exterior Emergency Disconnect(s) for Dwelling Units / Surge Protection
  • UMC: Penetrations / Clearance Increases
  • UPC: anchoring / venting / hot water requirements

30th Annual SFAHBA Golf Tournament – October 6th!

Santa Fe Country Club

33/33/33 RAFFLE
winner takes 33% cash | 33% to Maui Recover – Hawaii Building Industry Assoc. Foundation | 33% benefits SFAHBA